"Connected with Linzi Marie" is a heartwarming and community driven WMUN show that shines a spotlight on the remarkable stories and experiences of local community members and the businesses that make our neighborhood special. Hosted by the always clever and insightful Linzi Marie, each episode invites you to step into the lives of everyday people who are making a difference in their communities.
During her radio talk show, Linzi Marie takes you on a journey through the stories of those who are often unsung heroes, shedding light on the moments, challenges, and triumphs that shape their lives. Through candid and personal interviews, you'll discover new local events happening along with inspiring tales of individuals and businesses that have a profound impact on the places we call home.
"Connected with Linzi Marie" is more than just a radio show; it's a celebration of the vibrant tapestry that weaves our communities together. Her stories will leave you feeling connected, inspired, and grateful for the amazing people and businesses in your community.
Tune in to "Connected with Linzi Marie" for a dose of positivity, a reminder of the power of community, and a deep appreciation for the everyday people who are the heartbeat of our neighborhoods.
Connected With Linzi Marie Airs Saturdays at 8:30-9AM, on 92.5 FM - WMUN.